So far we have seen creation of Bank, Bank Branch and Bank Account. Lets now focus on technical information.
In R12 Banks and their Branches are stored as Parties in HZ_PARTIES. Both are linked together through relationships in HZ_RELATIONSHIP table. The Bank accounts are stored in the Oracle Payments Application. All tables in this application are prefixed with IBY. The bank accounts are stored in the IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS table. The bank_id and branch_id fields link the Bank Account to the relevant Bank and Branch Parties in the HZ_PARTIES table.
The table IBY_ACCOUNT_OWNERS is used to identify the Supplier Party using the ext_bank_account_id to link the 2 IBY tables that the Bank Account belongs to. Finding the Bank account attached to supplier site can be done through linking the tables IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL and IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL. When a Bank account is assigned a record is created in the IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL table (Payment Instruments table) and is linked to the bank account by matching the ext_bank_account_id to the instrument_id. Each instrument record is linked to an external payee record in IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL using the ext_pmt_party_id column. The external payee record links us to supplier party ID (payee_party_id), supplier party site ID (party_site_id) and supplier site ID (supplier_site_id). The IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL table stores every supplier site defined and the supplier itself. The IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL is the main table which lets us know the specific Site/Supplier that the Bank Account has been assigned to.
The query below gives you the links required to get a matching Bank account assigned to supplier site.
SELECT hp.party_name supplier_name
, as.segment1 supplier_number
, assa.vendor_site_code supplier_site
, ieb.bank_account_num
, ieb.bank_account_name
, party_bank.party_name bank_name
, branch_prof.bank_or_branch_number bank_number
, party_branch.party_name branch_name
, branch_prof.bank_or_branch_number branch_number
FROM hz_parties hp
, ap_suppliers as
, hz_party_sites hps
, ap_supplier_sites_all assa
, iby_external_payees_all iep
, iby_pmt_instr_uses_all ipi
, iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb
, hz_parties party_bank
, hz_parties party_branch
, hz_organization_profiles bank_prof
, hz_organization_profiles branch_prof
WHERE hp.party_id = as.party_id
AND hp.party_id = hps.party_id
AND hps.party_site_id = assa.party_site_id
AND assa.vendor_id = as.vendor_id
AND iep.payee_party_id = hp.party_id
AND iep.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
AND iep.supplier_site_id = assa.vendor_site_id
AND iep.ext_payee_id = ipi.ext_pmt_party_id
AND ipi.instrument_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND ieb.bank_id = party_bank.party_id
AND ieb.bank_id = party_branch.party_id
AND party_branch.party_id = branch_prof.party_id
AND party_bank.party_id = bank_prof.party_id
, as.segment1 supplier_number
, assa.vendor_site_code supplier_site
, ieb.bank_account_num
, ieb.bank_account_name
, party_bank.party_name bank_name
, branch_prof.bank_or_branch_number bank_number
, party_branch.party_name branch_name
, branch_prof.bank_or_branch_number branch_number
FROM hz_parties hp
, ap_suppliers as
, hz_party_sites hps
, ap_supplier_sites_all assa
, iby_external_payees_all iep
, iby_pmt_instr_uses_all ipi
, iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb
, hz_parties party_bank
, hz_parties party_branch
, hz_organization_profiles bank_prof
, hz_organization_profiles branch_prof
WHERE hp.party_id = as.party_id
AND hp.party_id = hps.party_id
AND hps.party_site_id = assa.party_site_id
AND assa.vendor_id = as.vendor_id
AND iep.payee_party_id = hp.party_id
AND iep.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
AND iep.supplier_site_id = assa.vendor_site_id
AND iep.ext_payee_id = ipi.ext_pmt_party_id
AND ipi.instrument_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND ieb.bank_id = party_bank.party_id
AND ieb.bank_id = party_branch.party_id
AND party_branch.party_id = branch_prof.party_id
AND party_bank.party_id = bank_prof.party_id
Very Helpful .. Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteWhat is difference between Internal and external Bank Accounts.